Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Austrian Sniper Rifles Supplied to Iran Being Used Against US

David Kaspar at Medienkritik reports: "Just another reason for the Americans to thank the European "friends" in the Austrian government. High-powered 50 caliber rifles sold to Iran "to fight drug smugglers" by the Austrian firm Steyr-Mannlicher are now killing US troops in Iraq, and the Austrian government expressly approved the sale in 2005 despite U.S. protests, describing the deal as "unimpeachable."

Update: The WSJ has picked up on this.

So here is the state of our public discourse: American military officials
present prima facie evidence of Iranian weapons implicated in killing 170 U.S.
soldiers and wounding 600 more, and Washington's main concern is not for the GIs
but in refighting the last intelligence war.

Read the whole story.

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