Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Clarity on the Democratic Agenda

From the Victory Caucus, finally some honesty in politics -- outrageous, but honest.

Congressman Murtha has a February 15 meeting scheduled with, a political action committee. As set forth on the website:

"Join us tomorrow at 11:00 AM EST when Congressman Jack Murtha will outline new details of a strategy to use his Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense to oppose the Bush war in Iraq. . . . . The Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense has begun consideration of the president’s $93 billion supplemental appropriations request for Iraq. Action on the request will be the first opportunity for the new Congress to exercise its “power-of-the-purse” over the Iraq war.

Chairman Murtha will describe his strategy for not only limiting the deployment of troops to Iraq but undermining other aspects of the president’s foreign and national security policy." (emphasis added).

Hattip: Instapundit

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